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On Friday, December 15, 2023, a Workshop on Preparing a Research-Based Internship Program with Thesis Conversion was held by the Development Economics Study Program. This activity was held in the Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University (FEB UNAIR).
The workshop was attended by representatives of various organizations that have expertise and experience in the fields of research, economic development, and innovation, one of which was the Director of REDI Research, Ibu Erlyn Yuly Astuti also participated in this workshop.
This workshop was carried out to develop a research-based internship program so that students who take part in the internship program can adapt it to the topic of their respective thesis, then a design for the student internship activity program is created with partners so that students can apply the theoretical knowledge gained during lectures into a practical context in the industrial world.